WhAT is the Caffeinated Church?

Every morning, you stop by the neighborhood java shop for your cup of joe. You know the workers in the store and they greet you by name as you walk in. Better yet, they’re halfway done making your concoction of choice by the time you’ve taken 10 steps inside the door. You feel comfortable in the intimacy of the space to greet a few of the other regular customers and you often buy a newspaper and occupy the chair in the corner next to the window, catching up with the world. Energized and caffeinated, you leave, with a smile on your face and a friendly wave to the workers. Sometimes when you have early morning meetings, you take your coffee to go. Everyone in the office knows about the coffee shop you go to because you tout the great experience you have there every time you go. Every morning, you wake up looking forward to your cup of coffee and the friendly faces you’ll see there.

The people in your church wake up every Sunday morning energized and looking forward to going to church, right? They are excited to pile the kids in the car and drive across town to attend service. They look forward to seeing others they know and connecting with them; and know they’ll be missed if they are out of town that weekend.  They are more than willing to volunteer in any area that needs help and are involved in serving with other couples in the church.  After worship, they spend time at coffee hour connecting with others and welcoming guests to the church. At work, they are excited to tell co-workers about their church and invite them regularly to attend with them. Your church is caffeinated.  

A neighborhood coffee shop. Incredible service. Excellent drinks. A comfortable environment. A place to connect. Consistent quality. Expectations are exceeded. Value created. Loyalty certain. An experience worth talking about.

Your church. A place talked about? The Caffeinated Church is a church that is passionate, or better yet…obsessed, with being a place that is not just attended, but considered a home for your community. It constantly seeks opportunities for engaging the culture in which it is in, reaching people with the message of Christ. The Caffeinated Church is a place where people invite their friends, relatives, and neighbors regularly. Passion is evident. The message is relevant. Lives are touched. Hearts are changed. Christ is known. Love is shared.  

No matter what we do, God is in control. No matter how nice our church building is, no matter how polished our programs or ministries are, no matter how hard we try to communicate or promote our church to our communities, God is in control. God will work through any situation, in any environment, to tug the strings of our hearts to open up to Love.  As a church, we know it is our responsibility to decrease so that God may increase.  We have the opportunity to share in our experiences, use our gifts that we've been given, and give of ourselves freely to God's purpose for our lives in community together: our churches.  

This is what the Caffeinated Church is all about.  We honor God with our passion for excellence and the source of our creative inspiration is our Creator.  

As church leaders and communicators, it is our pleasure to serve God in being the workers in God’s field.  Working together to provide opportunities where Christ is known and experienced is what we do.  Welcome to the Caffeinated Church. 


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